Kihako Narisawa directs an interdisciplinary art research and collective works, sharing a mutual appreciation for experimental projects that transcend and challenge conventional genres. Her conceptual practice spans a wide range of media including spoken text, poetry, sound-scape, video, installation, and physical performance.
Striving to develop works that reflects this ideal through connecting and collaborating with artists and designers from various avenues of creativity. That enables the possibilities for new influence and exchange to direct the experience of creative process which construct identities, concepts and common ground to communicate with.

searching for invisible words
‘who are you?’
I don’t know right now.
at least, I know who I was when I got up this morning.
I think I must have changed several times since then.
‘what do you mean by that?’
I can’t explain myself, because I’m not myself, you know.
‘I don’t know.’
I can’t explain it, because I can’t understand it myself.
it's very confusing.
‘it isn’t.’
perhaps not yet.
but when you have to change someday,
you will also find it confusing.
‘not a bit.’
your feelings may be different.
all I know is — it would feel very strange to me.
‘who are you?’
I think you should tell me who you are, first.